Check the SQL Managed Instance address and account authentication details have been entered correctly

Use the SQL Managed Instance connection details dialog in the Spotlight Cloud Diagnostic Server Application to run these checks.

Azure SQL Managed Instance address

Check the address is a valid fully qualified server name. If aliases are used then an incorrect alias on the Spotlight Cloud Diagnostic Server host can cause connections to fail. Check the alias name of the instance.


The connection will fail if the account permissions are insufficient to allow Spotlight Cloud to collect the data it needs.

When filling in the User and Password fields, ensure the user has sufficient account permissions to retrieve performance data from the SQL Managed Instance. This is true regardless of whether the authentication method is SQL authentication or Azure Active Directory.

Typically the account will be a member of the sysadmin server role. Alternatively an account can be configured with the necessary privileges as documented by grant account permissions.

Where Azure Active Directory is selected, the User must be of the form of a valid email address. As per the requirements, download and install Microsoft Azure Active Directory Authentication Library for SQL Server in the Spotlight Cloud Diagnostic Server application host before connecting to an Azure SQL Managed Instance via Azure Active Directory authentication.

Connection to the SQL Managed Instance

Ensure connectivity from the Spotlight Cloud Diagnostic Server to the Azure SQL Managed Instance.

Environment Instructions
Follow these instructions if the Diagnostic Server is installed on a VM in Azure (preferred)
Follow these instructions if the Diagnostic Server is installed on-premise.

SQL Server firewall connectivity

Ensure port 1433 is open for outbound connections on all firewalls between the Spotlight Cloud Diagnostic Server host and the internet. Test the connectivity between the Diagnostic Server and the Azure SQL Managed Instance using SQL Server management Studio (SSMS), a UDL file, ping, or telnet.

Try an external tool such as Telnet to test the connection across the network. Install Telnet using Control Panel | Programs and Features. Open a Command Prompt window and enter:
Telnet <server name> <port number>

Additional connectivity references

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